This work explores what Fast Field-Cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (FFC-NMR) relaxometry brings for the study of sarcoma to guide future in vivo analyses of patients. We present the results of an ex vivo pilot study involving 10 cases of biopsy-proven sarcoma and we propose a quantitative method to analyse 1 H NMR relaxation dispersion profiles based on a model-free approach describing the main dynamical processes in the tissues and assessing the amplitude of the Quadrupole Relaxation Enhancement effects due to 14 N. This approach showed five distinct groups of dispersion profiles indicating five discrete categories of sarcoma, with differences attributable to microstructure and rigidity. Data from tissues surrounding sarcomas indicated very significant variations with the proximity to tumour, which may be attributed to varying water content but also to tissue remodelling processes due to the sarcoma. This pilot study illustrates the potential of FFC relaxometry for the detection and characterisation of sarcoma. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful method used in the medical diagnosis of a range of different soft tissue pathologies. The principle of MRI lies in detecting differences in the behaviour of nuclear spins (in most cases from 1 H) between pathological tissues and their healthy counterparts, which can be exploited as a source of contrast to form images. Spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times, denoted as T 1 and T 2 respectively, are two important sources of MRI contrast that describe how fast tissues return to magnetic equilibrium after excitation. To simplify calculations one often uses their reciprocal values, R 1 = 1/T 1 and R 2 = 1/T 2 , which are referred to as spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation rates, respectively 1-3 but convey the same information. R 1 usually shows much better contrast at fields below 0.5 T but most clinical scanners operate at 1.5 T or 3 T to achieve high spatial resolution. Paramagnetic contrast agents are commonly used to improve contrast 4,5 , providing relaxation enhancement caused by strong magnetic dipole-dipole interactions between protons (hydrogen nuclei, 1 H) from the tissues and the paramagnetic centre (typically gadolinium or manganese ions). Despite the huge progress in advanced contrast agents and MRI technology, the early diagnosis and treatment of patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) malignancies (sarcomas) remains a major challenge. Initial detection of MSK malignancies depends upon clinical examination, fine needle aspiration cytology or core biopsy and MRI. MRI is also used in the follow-up and surveillance of patients with suspected local recurrence following treatment. Unfortunately, the imaging characteristics of tissues using conventional MRI are not diagnostic for a large number of soft tissue tumours and therefore careful multidisciplinary interpretation of the combined results are required in reaching a final diagnosis. Despite this, it can still be challenging to estimate tumour aggressiveness or resection margins.