2017Este exemplar foi revisado e corrigido em relação à versão original, sob responsabilidade única do autor e com a anuência de seu orientador. Aos meus amigos Alberto, Vinícius, Tatsuo, Ferrari, Caio, Christian, Rangel, Sivieri, Luciano e Katia, por todo o profissionalismo, auxílio e experiência compartilhada e por terem tornado esses dois anos da minha vida mais divertidos e prazerosos. E a todos do Grupo SOI que contribuíram de forma direta ou indireta para o meu crescimento profissional e conclusão deste projeto.
ABSTRACTThis master degree's dissertation aims to study the low temperature electrical behavior of tridimensional transistors on insulator (SOI FinFET) under the effects of proton radiation, through experimental methods and numeric simulations. Initially, it was compared the transistors' behavior before and after they have been subjected to proton radiation, at room temperature. This analysis was performed for both p-and nchannel devices, studying how the analog parameters change after the devices are irradiated by protons with approximately 60 MeV energy.The effects of total ionization dose on SOI FinFET devices were studied. These effects are manifested in different, very often opposing ways for nMOS and pMOS transistors. The radiation effects on the subthreshold slope (SS) in pFinFETs, for example, resulted in a switching speed improvement, while the nFinFETs were degraded. Also, the negative shift in the threshold voltage (VT), as most of the oxide trapped charges are positive, made the pMOS transistors more immune to the parasitic current at the second interface, and, again, the nMOS ones had their characteristics degraded.The wide-fin transistors have a bigger oxide area beneath the silicon film, which results in a greater charge buildup. Hence, the parameter degradation was more substantial than for narrow-fin devices. Short-channel transistors are subject to shortchannel effects and showed themselves more susceptible to proton irradiation at the subthreshold region.In addition to the basic parameter analysis, it was done a tradeoff analysis between three analog parameters: the transistor efficiency (gm/ID), the unit gain frequency (fT) and the intrinsic voltage gain (AV). They have been studied as a function of the inversion coefficient (IC), where it was possible to observe the devices' behavior for each inversion regime and, after, the best tradeoff between the parameters, for a given application.At low temperature, it was also observed that while pFinFETs have a better performance when looking at digital parameters VTH and SS after irradiation, nFinFETs showed more immunity to proton radiation when analyzed from their analog parameter with a more stable response to low temperatures.