Objective: To evaluate in vitro the endogenous pH, the total titratable acidity (TTA) and o Brix of pediatric medicines. Method: The sample consisted of 22 pediatric medicines belonging to five classes: antibiotics, antihistamines, anthelmintics, non-steroid antiinflammatory drugs and corticoids. The pH was measured with a potentiometer, total acidity was obtained by the AOAC method and o Brix was determined by refractometry. The data were expressed as means and the differences among the groups were analyzed by ANOVA. The significance level was set at 0.05 with a 95% confidence level. Results: As much as 59.1% of the medicines presented pH lower than 5.5, being therefore potentially erosive to the dental tissues. Benflogin (1.75) and Predsim (7.35) presented the lowest and the highest pH means, respectively. As for TTA, the lowest mean was obtained for Cataflan (0.01%) and the highest for Infectrin (0.98%). Evaluation of o Brix revealed that Alersin presented the lowest mean (6.25%) and Cataflan (74.33%) presented the highest mean. There was no statistically significant difference among the medicine classes regarding the pH (p=0.950) or regarding the o Brix (p=0.477). On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences among the medicine classes for TTA (p=0.000); the greatest differences were found between the antibiotics and the anti-inflammatory drugs (p=0.002), the anthelmintics (p=0.003) and the corticoids (p=0.005).
Conclusion:The pediatric medicines may be considered as potentially erosive to the dental tissues. In view of the statistically significant differences among the medicine classes regarding the TTA, it is recommended that the control and follow up be directed to the erosive potential of each class. The antibiotics are the class of medicine with the highest pH and acidity, and so its intake should be followed by an adequate oral hygiene. (74,33%). Não se verificou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as variáveis pH e a classe de medicamento (P=0,950) e entre o °Brix e a classe de medicamento (P=0,477). Todavia, verificou-se diferenças estatisticamente significante em relação à acidez total e a classe de medicamento (P = 0,000), de modo que as diferenças maiores ficaram entre as médias dos antibióticos com: os antiinflamatórios (P=0,002), os antiparasitários (P=0,003) e os corticóides (P=0,005). Conclusão: Os medicamentos pediátricos analisados podem ser considerados potencialmente erosivos aos tecidos dentais. Em virtude das diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as classes de medicamentos em relação à acidez total é necessário que o controle e o acompanhamento sejam direcionados ao potencial erosivo de cada classe, apontando os antibióticos como a classe com maiores médias de pH e acidez, devendo a sua administração ser controlada e acompanhada por uma adequada higiene oral.
60Pesq Bras Odontoped Clin Integr, João Pessoa, 13(1):69-