Five protocols of micro tuberization were used to induce large size microtuber in three recommended potato varieties, namely Cardinal, Diamant, and Heera under complete dark condition. Tuberization was the earliest (11.8 days) in the protocol P 2 (MS + 5 mg/l BAP + 500 mg/l CCC + 8% sucrose), which was closely followed by that in P 1 (12.7 days) (MS + 5 mg/l BAP + 50 mg/l coumarin + 8% sucrose) . Maximum number of microtubers/flask (12.8) was obtained from the protocol P 1 followed by that of P 2 (11.6) that contained growth retardant; but higher average weight of microtuber was obtained in the protocols P 5 (30 days old plantlet + MS media containing 40 meq K + 10 mg/l BA + 9% sucrose), P 4 (MS + 10 mg/l BA + 8% sucrose), and P 3 (MS + 5.0 mg/l BAP + 6% sucrose) which contained BA in absence of growth retardant. The average weight of microtuber was the highest (329.0 mg) in protocol P 5, followed by that in P 4 (280.7 mg), while it was the lowest in protocol P 1 . The variety Diamant produced maximum average weight of microtuber (246.3 mg), while Heera produced minimum (226.1 mg), which was statistically similar to Cardinal (228.7 mg). The highest percentage (52.2) of >300 mg size and lowest percentage (19.3) of <150 mg size microtuber was produced in P 5 protocol in the variety Diamant. On overall consideration, all the varieties performed best with the protocol P 5.