In the framework of the JT-60SA project, TF coils design activities have led to the development of TEXTO (Thermo-hydraulic EXtended TOol), a dedicated simulation tool centred on the GANDALF code for calculating the temperature margin (∆Tma) central criterion. From a first version providing conservative results, this tool has been upgraded to a pseudo 3D model by integrating a 1D thermo-hydraulic approach in ANSYS, leading to an additional and independent module named TACOS (Thermo-hydraulic Ansys COmputation Semi 3D).By providing He temperature in conductors, TACOS is well adapted for evaluating the impact of TF coils design choices in the framework of cost and feasibility optimization. TACOS also provides more accurate values of transverse heat flux from case to conductors, which can then be injected into TEXTO and allow the calculation of the temperature margin, thanks to the functionalities of GANDALF.Several validation calculations have been performed for the reference operation scenario, by comparison with GANDALF for validating the simplified thermo-hydraulic method of TACOS and by comparison with VINCENTA for an overall validation of the TACOS/TEXTO tool. Results have shown a good consistency between the different models, with a conductor temperature dispersion around 0.05 K in the critical zone.