The effect of pressure on the unique electronic state of the antiferromagnetic (AF) compound EuCu 2 Ge 2 has been measured in a wide temperature range from 10 mK to 300 K by electrical resistivity measurements up to 10 GPa. The Néel temperature of T N = 15 K at ambient pressure increases monotonically with increasing pressure and becomes a maximum of T N = 27 K at 6.2 GPa but suddenly drops to zero at P c ≃ 6.5 GPa, suggesting the quantum critical point (QCP) of the valence transition of Eu from a nearly divalent state to that with trivalent weight.The ρ mag0 and A values obtained from the low-temperature electrical resistivity based on the Fermi liquid relation of ρ mag = ρ mag0 + AT 2 exhibit huge and sharp peaks around P c . The exponent n obtained from the power law dependence ρ mag = ρ mag0 + BT n is clearly less than 1.5 at P = P c ≃ 6. 5 GPa, which is expected at the AF-QCP. These results indicate that P c coincides with P v , corresponding to the quantum criticality of the valence transition pressure P v .The electronic specific heat coefficient γ, estimated from the generalized Kadowaki-Woods relation, is about 510 mJ/(mol·K 2 ) around P c , suggesting the formation of a heavy-fermion state.Most Eu compounds including Eu 2 Ni 3 Ge 5 1) and EuRhSi 3 1) order magnetically because of the divalent electronic state of Eu 2+ . Valence instability often occurs in Eu compounds, from the divalent electronic state of Eu 2+ (4 f 7 : S =7/2, L = 0, and J =7/2) at high temperatures to the nearly nonmagnetic electronic state (4 f 6 in Eu 3+ : S = L = 3, and J