The agro-industrial complex of Russia is designed to ensure the country’s food security and significantly influences the social and economic development of society. In recent years, the state’s economic policy has been aimed at intensifying the export of agricultural products, which requires serious investments and introduction of innovative technologies, including digitalization, to increase the competitiveness and quality of manufactured goods. During 2018-2023, the volume of exports of agricultural products of the Russian Federation increased by more than 2/3, which to a certain extent was a consequence of the stimulation of commodity producers as a result of the implementation of the federal project “Export of agricultural products.” The structure of exports of Russian agro-industrial complex products is dominated by grains, oil and fat products, fish and seafood, and products of the food and processing industry. The five main importing countries (China, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Egypt) accounted for almost half of all Russian agricultural exports in 2023, with China’s share increasing from 12.3 to 17.5% in the last two years alone. During 2020-2022 in Russia, the rate of increase in the volume of exports of agricultural products is higher, as a result of which the share of domestic products in the global total has increased slightly, but is only slightly more than 2%. Russia’s lag behind leading countries in terms of digitalization in agriculture is explained by such factors as: natural and climatic conditions, rising costs of means of production, decreased investment and slower implementation of innovative technologies, and disruption of supply chains. In order to increase and realize the export potential of the Russian agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to improve government support measures, stimulate import substitution and support manufacturers who effectively use production resources, primarily land and digital technologies.