Fever and pain are common conditions in the Australian healthcare setting.
Whilst clinical guidelines provide important therapeutic recommendations,
evidence suggests they are not always followed. Given that community
pharmacy is one of the most frequently accessed primary healthcare services,
it is important to understand the views and practices of community
pharmacists in pain and fever.
To investigate the views and practices of Australian community pharmacists in
pain and fever management, and their views on relevant clinical
A cross-sectional study of community pharmacists in Australia was conducted
using a customised, anonymous, self-administered, online questionnaire
between March and May 2018. To capture a broad range of demographics,
pharmacists were recruited via local industry contacts and the
Pharmaceutical Society newsletter, with further recruitment through snowball
sampling. The main outcomes measured were pharmacists’ views,
practices and treatment recommendation of choice in pain and fever
management, as well as views on clinical guidelines and training.
A total of 113 pharmacists completed the survey. In general, paracetamol
(72%) was preferred as a recommendation over ibuprofen, and was the
drug of choice for most mild to moderate pain and fever scenarios. Majority
of pharmacists reported good knowledge of pain and fever management,
however, only approximately half reported recent pain management training.
Greater than 87% of pharmacists believe that clinical guidelines are
useful in fever management, and 79% of pharmacists believe that
following clinical guidelines is important in pain management.
While most pharmacists recognise the importance of guidelines and
demonstrated good pain and fever management, results suggests opportunities
to promote additional education, upskilling, and research in this space to
further optimise pain and fever management in the community.