Indonesian Book Forum or Forum Buku Indonesian is a forum for Indonesian books lover in Telegram. This group enables the members to discuss over, share, and exchange books or information about books, including e-book. This study aims to investigate books information exchange in Telegram Group of FBI by observing the interaction in the group, the collecting process, analyzing, validating and investigating, information sharing and education in Telegram Group of Forum Buku Indonesia. This is a qualitative study using virtual ethnography method. The data collection of this study incorporates participative observation in the group since February to July 2017, in-depth interview and literature study. The informant was chosen based on purposive sampling technique. Triangulation is done by theories triangulation. The results show that there is no guarantee the Telegram group of Forum Buku Indonesia can provide every book or information request. Everything is done voluntarily. The group admins play the role to encourage the members to participate actively in sharing books information and help other members to find the books needed. There is also information exchange on how to use Telegram besides information exchange of books. These rules of group placed on Pinned Message feature. The most founded information shared is books file forwarded from other group or Telegram channel. In order to identify the members' information needs, they are asked to write down their information needs specifically. Books sharing done by forwarding information from other group or channel, while resume and meta data of books, sharing links of books or e-books file can be downloaded directly. Admins and the members share information from other group or channel always include the information sources. The education process is given by asking the members to read the rules regarding books finding include using search menu on Telegram in order to check whether the books needed have been posted before or not. This research is expected to contribute to the government in increasing the reading interest of the community in the digital era.