Paper presents the results of studying the properties of Mannheimia haemolytica' isolates found in various regions of the Russian Federation during 2015-2017 in terms of serotypic affinity, pathogenicity, virulence and antigenic activity. It was established that two of the five M. haemolytica strains, namely «KL-VIEV», «AM9», №207, №217 and №219, can be used for biopreparation production, since they are suitable for following criteria: «CL-VIEV» and №217 belong to the serotype A1 and virulent for white mice. Based on the obtained data, «KL-VIEV» was selected for industrial usage in the development and manufacture of biopreparations.КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА Биопроизводство, вакцинопрофилактика, пастереллёз, эпизоотический мониторинг, отечественные вакцины, специфическая профилактика, антигенные свойства, методы контроля. KEY WORDS Bioproduction, vaccine, pasteurellosis, epizootic monitoring, domestic vaccine specific prevention, antigenic properties, methods of control.