In the conditions of national and global transformations, which are taking place under the influence of factors of political and economic instability, one of the most important problems of the functioning and development of enterprises is ensuring their competitiveness. At the current stage of development of the world economy, which is characterized by high levels of instability and randomness of the course of economic processes, an urgent task of the management of economic entities is the study of their market behaviour, taking into account the existing and latent connections with both internal processes and external influences. Since all the types of economic activity react differently to the instability of the external environment, it is important to conduct an analysis of the operating conditions and the results of the enterprises’ activities based on them in order to form adequate and adaptive managerial responses to the tactical and strategic behaviour of the latter. The purpose of the article is to the formation of general recommendations for the development of strategies and tactics for the behaviour of enterprises of various types of economic activity on the market, depending on their sensitivity to the influence of external factors. The scientific methods that were used in solving the research problems were monographic, comparative and content analysis, graphical, structural and dynamic methods, coefficient and cluster analysis. The article proposes an algorithmic model for the formation of the economic behavior of an enterprise depending on the level of sensitivity of the type of activity, defines cluster groups of types of economic activity according to their sensitivity, forms a portrait of business entities depending on the expectations of enterprises and their comparison with actually achieved indicators. The implementation of the proposed model and the formation of general recommendations on the future behavior of enterprises, which are based on an analysis of trends in the development of the country’s economic activities in terms of gross value added, will be of interest to business leaders for the formation of a market behavior strategy