A relation is obtained between the true value of the moment of inertia of a planet and the value calculated from the dynamical form factor, Jz, on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. The result is applied to Mars and it is shown that the difference between the true and calculated moments of inertia is probably insignificant in considering models of the interior of Mars and in particular does not affect an argument for a core based on models calculated by Lyttleton.with the known value of the dynamical form factor, Jz (equal to (C --A)/Mu2) would allow C/Muz to be estimated. Thus it is necessary to derive C/Maz from Jz on the assumption that 350 A. H. Cook Mars is in hydrostatic equilibrium, using the formula derived (in effect) by Darwin (1899) c / M a z = 2 [I --( 2 4 m -3 J 2 )' "I 3 5 m + 3 J 2m is the ratio of the centrifugal to the gravitational acceleration at the equator. With J2 equal to 1.964 x the value of C/Maz is found to be 0.376, less than the minimum of Lyttleton's sequence of models. We infer (Cook 1972) that Mars is more centrally condensed than any of the mantle-type models and therefore that it contains a core of denser material, presumably more like the core of the Earth.With perhaps an indication of the presence of a core, this argument is not securely based. In the first place, it is now clear, as it was not when Lyttleton constructed his models, that there is not just a single change from upper to lower mantle in the Earth, but a complex transition which involves besides the olivine-spinel transition, changes in iron-magnesium ratio as well and possibly a final transition to a mixture of exides of which the lower mantle may be composed (see Binder & Davis 1973). Thus a sequence of models with a single transition radius is unlikely to be realistic and it might be thought that a much more elaborate set of models should be constructed.More serious, probably, is the fact that C/Maz has to be estimated from J2 making the