Deli land is originally awakened from the activities of the planters and Chinese merchants since the 1860-s. With the first center is around the Esplanade on the east side of the Deli River. The development of Deli land is followed by the building of Kesawan area where the Chinese community settlements as well as a place to provide goods and shops that serve the needs of the community, especially for plantation areas. Then, the Chinese played the role of middlemen minority, which played a great role in the growth and development of Deli land. The research was titled “Participation of Tjong brothers in the development of Deli land”. It uses of the historical explanation theory from Kuntowijoyo. In this article tells the figure of Tjong Yong Hian and Tjong A Fie who came from Mexian, Guangdong, China, wander to Deli land and also build a plantation business with the Sultanate of Deli and the Dutch East Indies government. Not only that, Tjong brothers also contributed to the development in the Deli land or Medan city now. They also build a place of worship, schools, banks, rail transportation, bridges, markets and hospitals.