Compliant wing designs have the potential of improving flapping wing Micro-Air Vehicles (MAVs). Designing compliant wings requires a detailed understanding of the effect of compliance on the generation of thrust and lift forces. The low force and high-frequency measurements associated with these forces necessitated a new versatile test stand design that uses a 250 g load cell along with a rigid linear air bearing to minimize friction and the dynamic behavior of the test stand while isolating only the stationary thrust or lift force associated with drag generated by the wing. Moreover, this stand is relatively inexpensive and hence can be easily utilized by wing designers to optimize the wing compliance and shape. The frequency response of the wing is accurately resolved, along with wing compliance on the thrust and lift profiles. The effects of the thrust and lift force generated as a function of flapping frequency were also determined. A semi-empirical aerodynamic model of the thrust and lift generated by the flapping wing MAV on the new test stand was developed and used to evaluate the measurements. This model accounted for the drag force and the effects of the wing compliance. There was good correlation between the model predictions and experimental measurements. Also, the increase in average thrust due to increased wing compliance was experimentally quantified for the first time using the new test stand. Thus, our measurements for the first time reveal the detrimental influence of excessive compliance on drag forces during high frequency operation. In addition, we were also able to observe the useful effect of compliance on the generation of extra thrust at the beginning and end of upstrokes and downstrokes of the flapping motion.