5¹«dAë q¹b³ð-uDð vKŽ U¼dOŁQðË WKL²;« dD)« qÄ«uŽ rOOI²Ã ∫•«b¼_ا AE©TGA® …dO³Jë-s¹cë v{d*« lOL' wFł-dŁQÐ ôUŠ WÝ«-oe X¹dł√ ∫WO−NM*« e¹eFë b³Ž pK*« WM¹bÄ w Â2016 Ë Â1999 wÄUŽ 5Ð TGA ? Ð rNBO Að fM'«Ë dLFë jЫu{ b¹b%-AEW¹oeuF ë WOÐdFë WJKL*« ¨ ÷U¹dë ¨WO³Dë qL(« ÍdJÝË »-UÁ_« ëË" pÃ-w U0 ¨dD)« qÄ«uŽ XFLł AEWIÐUD²*«-AE UNÄ_« R UJðË s¹bëuë dLŽË WOIK)« VKIë ÷«dÄ_ wKzUFë a¹-U²Ã«Ë AETGA d¹uDð vKŽ dD)« qÄ«uŽ-UŁ¬ qOKײÃ-«b×½ô« Ã-u/ «b ²Ý« w Èd³Jë 5¹«dAë q¹b³ð lÄ v{dÄ 206 tŽuL−Ä UMK−Ý ∫ZzU²Më WDO Ð TGA vÃ≈ …dO³Jë 5¹«dAë q¹b³ð ôUŠ rO Ið-AEWÝ«-bë-¨WÝË-b*« ôU(« w AE446 …-U² *« WO×Bë jЫuCë X½U AE…bIFÄË w qL(« ÍdJÝ hO Að-Ë ¨ ôU(« sÄ ©46%® 95 w WЫdÁ vKŽ-u¦Fë sÄ bÂRÄ wKzUŽ a¹-Uð UN¹bà ©17%® 35Ë ¨ UNÄ_« sÄ ©17.5%® 36 ¨jЫuCÃUÐ ôU×Kà dD)« qÄ«uŽ W½-UIÄ X9 UÄbMŽ AE WOIK)« VKIë ÷«dÄ√ sÄ dO³Â qJAÐ b¹eð R UJ²Ã«Ë ¨Â_« dLŽË ¨qL(« ÍdJÝË ¨WЫdIë Ê√ błË AETGA ÀËbŠ U0 …dO³Jë 5¹«dAë q¹b³ð-uD²Ã …dO³Â dDš qÄ«uŽ UM²Ý«-oe dNþ« ∫W ö)« wKzUFë a¹-U²Ã«Ë ¨qL(« ÍdJÝË ¨vÃË_« Wł-bë sÄ »-UÁ_« ëË" pÃ-w sÄ qÄ«uFë Ác¼ oe«" AER UJ²Ã«Ë Â_« dLŽ …oeU¹"Ë ¨WOIK)« WO³KIë U¼uA²Kà AEqÁ_« vKŽ 5HF{-«bI0 dD)« Objectives: To assess potential risk factors and their effect on the development of transposition of the great arteries (TGA). Methods: A retrospective case-control study of all patients diagnosed with TGA between 1999 to 2016 at King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Age and gender-matched controls were selected. Risk factors, including consanguinity, gestational diabetes, family history of congenital heart disease, parental age, and maternal parity, were collected. Regression modeling was used to analyze the effects of risk factors on the development of TGA. Results: A total of 206 patients with transposition of the great arteries were enrolled in the study. Transposition of the great arteries cases were divided into simple and complex TGA. Selected healthy Original Article controls were 446. In the studied cases, consanguinity was found in 95 (46%) of cases, gestational diabetes was diagnosed in 36 (17.5%) mothers, and 35 (17%) had a confirmed family history of congenital heart disease. When risk factors of the cases were compared to the controls, consanguinity, gestational diabetes, maternal age, and parity were found to significantly increase the incidence of TGA. Conclusion: Our study revealed significant risk factors for the development of transposition of great arteries including first degree consanguineous marriages, gestational diabetes, family history of congenital cardiac anomalies, and increasing maternal age and parity. These factors increased the risk by at least 2 folds.