In this study the mechanical and microstructural behaviours of AA6061 reinforced with silicon carbide (SiC) and AA6061 reinforced with boron carbide (B4C), obtained from the enhanced stir-casting process, were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) with various weight percentages, i.e., 2.5 %, 5 % and 7.5 %. The testing shows that the tensile and microhardness properties of the AA6061 were improved in both the reinforced aluminium-matrix composites. The influence of the electrochemical machining process parameters like current, voltage, electrolyte concentration, feed rate, gap and flow rate were considered as the input parameters. The output responses are the material removal rate (MRR), the surface roughness (SR) and the radial overcut (ROC). The study shows that the dominant output parameter MRR was directly proportional to the input parameters current, voltage and feed rate. The SR was significantly influenced by the input parameters current, feed rate and gap. The ROC was considerably balanced by the input parameters current and feed rate. Keywords: metal-matrix composites, material removal rate, electrochemical machining, surface roughness, radial overcut V {tudiji so bile preiskovane mehanske lastnosti in mikrostruktura AA6061, izdelanega z naprednim postopkom ulivanja s preme{avanjem in oja~anega z razli~nim masnim dele`em silicijevega karbida (SiC) ali borovega karbida (B4C) (2,5 %, 5 % in 7,5 %). Preiskave so bile izvedene s pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM) in z rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD). Preizku{anje ka`e, da sta natezna trdnost in mikrotrdota AA6061 narasli pri obeh vrstah kompozita na osnovi aluminija. Za vpliv vhodnih procesnih parametrov pri elektrokemijski strojni obdelavi so bili upo{tevani: tok, napetost, koncentracija elektrolita, hitrost podajanja, re`a in hitrost pretoka. Izhodni odgovori so bili: hitrost odstranjevanja materiala (MRR), hrapavost povr{ine (SR) in pove~anje radiusa (ROC). [tudija ka`e, da je prevladujo~i izhodni parameter MRR neposredno proporcionalen vhodnim parametrom; toku, napetosti in hitrosti podajanja. Na SR so mo~no vplivali vhodni parametri: tok, hitrost podajanja in re`a. ROC je bil posebej uravnote`en z vhodnima parametroma, tokom in hitrostjo podajanja. Klju~ne besede: kompoziti na kovinski osnovi, hitrost odstranjevanja materiala, elektrokemijska strojna obdelava, hrapavost povr{ine, pove~anje radiusa