Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT), also known as Pindborg tumour, is a rare benign odontogenic tumour of locally aggressive behaviour forming 0.4-3.0% of all intraosseous tumours and 1% of all odontogenic tumours. CEOT is traditionally described as a rare, benign, locally-invasive, and slow-growing odontogenic neoplasm of exclusively epithelial tissue of origin. The most frequent location is the mandibular premolar and molar area, less frequently the lesion is found in the maxilla in the ratio 3:1, typically in the fourth to fifth decades of life with no gender predilection. It usually starts as a painless swelling and is often concurrent with an impacted tooth. The present case highlight the occurrence of CEOT in a younger individual on the unusual site i.e. in the left maxillary canine and premolar region as a painless swelling. This article also attempts to briefly emphasize the concepts of CEOT with the review of literature.