This paper presents the progress in the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of HgCdTe on large-area Si and CdZnTe substrates at Raytheon Vision Systems. We report a very high-quality HgCdTe growth, for the first time, on an 8 cm 9 8 cm CdZnTe substrate. This paper also describes the excellent HgCdTe growth repeatability on multiple 7 cm 9 7 cm CdZnTe substrates. In order to study the percentage wafer area yield and its consistency from run to run, small lots of dual-band long-wave infrared/long-wave infrared triple-layer heterojunction (TLHJ) layers on 5 cm 9 5 cm CdZnTe substrates and singlecolor double-layer heterojunction (DLHJ) layers on 6-inch Si substrates were grown and tested for cutoff wavelength uniformity and micro-and macrovoid defect density and uniformity. The results show that the entire lot of 12 DLHJ-HgCdTe layers on 6-inch Si wafers meet the testing criterion of cutoff wavelength within the range 4.76 ± 0.1 lm at 130 K and micro-and macrovoid defect density of £50 cm À2 and 5 cm À2 , respectively. Likewise, five out of six dual-band TLHJ-HgCdTe layers on 5 cm 9 5 cm CdZnTe substrates meet the testing criterion of cutoff wavelength within the range 6.3 ± 0.1 lm at 300 K and micro-and macrovoid defect density of £2000 cm À2 and 500 cm À2 , respectively, on the entire wafer area. Overall we have found that scaling our HgCdTe MBE process to a 10-inch MBE system has provided significant benefits in terms of both wafer uniformity and quality.