Let G be a finite solvable group and let P P Syl p pGq for some prime p. Whenever |G : N G pP q| is odd, I. M. Isaacs described a correspondence between irreducible characters of degree not divisible by p of G and N G pP q. This correspondence is natural in the sense that an algorithm is provided to compute it, and the result of the application of the algorithm does not depend on choices made. In the case where N G pP q " P , G. Navarro showed that every irreducible character χ of degree not divisible by p has a unique linear constituent χ ˚when restricted to P , and that the map χ Þ Ñ χ defines a bijection. Navarro's bijection is obviously natural in the sense described above. We show that these two correspondences are the same under the intersection of the hypotheses.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20C15.