In pres ent work we use NaI(Tl) de tec tor in nar row-beam good ge om e try setup for the gamma ray at ten u a tion stud ies of some low-Z ma te ri als. The pa ram e ters such as mass at ten ua tion co ef fi cients, ef fec tive atomic num bers and ef fec tive elec tron den si ties, atomic cross-sections, elec tronic cross-sec tions of ma te ri als for gra phitic pow der, polycarbonate, poly vi nyl chlo ride, plas ter of Paris, gyp sum, and lime stone were de ter mined us ing gamma ray sources 57 Co, 133 Ba, 137 Bs, 60 Co, and 22 Na at en er gies of 122, 356, 511, 662, 840, 1170, 1275, and 1330 keV. It was ob served that the ef fec tive atomic num bers and ef fec tive elec tron den si ties ini tially de crease and tend to be al most con stant as a func tion of gamma-ray en ergy. An attempt was done to check the avail abil ity of these low-Z ma te ri als at large scales and ob tain able at low cost as gamma ray shield ing ma te ri als. The in ves ti gated data are use ful in elec tronic indus try, plas tic in dus try, build ing ma te ri als, and ag ri cul ture fields.