DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.04.006
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Measuring impacts of community forestry program through repeat photography and satellite remote sensing in the Dolakha district of Nepal

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Cited by 129 publications
(84 citation statements)
References 32 publications
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“…In addition to being timely and cost effective [18], satellite based monitoring enables a transparent and reliable [19] means to monitor forest cover conditions. Although errors in the interpretation of spectral response and human bias exist [20,21], remote sensing remains to play key role in identifying and estimating deforested and reforested areas [22,23]. In the Himalayas, the application of remote sensing was introduced in the mid-1980s [24] to identify and analyze the Land Use Land Cover (LULC) pattern [25][26][27].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition to being timely and cost effective [18], satellite based monitoring enables a transparent and reliable [19] means to monitor forest cover conditions. Although errors in the interpretation of spectral response and human bias exist [20,21], remote sensing remains to play key role in identifying and estimating deforested and reforested areas [22,23]. In the Himalayas, the application of remote sensing was introduced in the mid-1980s [24] to identify and analyze the Land Use Land Cover (LULC) pattern [25][26][27].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…More than 75 per cent of the population of Nepal relies on agriculture, and 64 per cent relies on fuelwood for cooking (CBS 2011). Three and half hectares of forests are required to maintain and protect farming of 1 hectare land in the mid hills of Nepal (Niraula et al 2013). REDD+ should adjust to these social practices, which are presently non-discourses in order to be successfully implemented.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In recent years WorldView-2 provides hyper-spectral very high resolution (0.5 m) satellite imagery for the estimation of biomass at species level (Eckert, 2012;Latif et al, 2012;Mutanga et al, 2012). Micro level studies and visual interpretations revealed that Nepal's forest coverage and condition is significantly improving due to the community forestry intervention (Dongol, 2002 ;Bhattarai, 2008;Niraula et al, 2013) No doubt, Nepal is progressing in terms of preservation of forest and improvement of livelihood of local communities but still institutional step-ups are not fully functional to provide the incentive. Through this study we have observed and mapped enhancement in forest carbon, so performance based payment mechanism works very well.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Of this, more than half of the world's forests has come under their control during the past 25 years (Sunderlin, 2008). In the world, Nepal is considered as a leader in community-based forest management (Pokharel, 2012) as in the 1990s Nepal's community forestry program (CFP) gained momentum after the government made special provisions for community forests in Section 5 of the Forest Act 1993 and Section 4 of Forest Regulation 1995 (DoF, 1995;HMG, 1995;Niraula et al, 2013). The main objective of the Nepal CFP is to achieve sustainable management of forest resources by converting accessible national forests into community forests (CFs) on a phase wise manner (DoF, 2012).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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