W orldwide, crop residue management is a challenge as farmers strive to maintain economic viability, provide food, feed and fiber for their families, and meet long-term production requirements in a changing environment. One strategy for increasing revenue and production per unit of land is to harvest and use crop residues for animal feed or as feedstock for biofuel production (Maw et al., 2019). However, crop residues are also needed to reduce wind and water erosion, and to recycle essential plant nutrients for future crops and provide inputs to sustain soil organic matter. The positive and negative impacts of harvesting crop residues were discussed at an ASA-CSSA-SSSA sponsored workshop on "Crop Residues for Advanced Biofuels". Workshop participants included scientists, corn producers, ethanol producers, and ethanol industry regulators. A summary of the workshop by identifies several consensus points including that:(i) Multiple strategies are needed to produce the required goods and services from our agricultural lands, (ii) Soil erosion is a critical natural resource problem, (iii) Tillage and crop residue management are closely coupled, and (iv) Simulation models are important tools for guiding crop residue management, but to improve model predictions, coordinated effort and multi-location, long-term data sets are needed.The remainder of this special issue expands those initial workshop discussions, which intentionally focused on the U.S. Corn Belt, to encompass crop residue experiments from around the world. Therefore, paper contributions have been grouped into four general categories focusing on (i) estimating current amount of residue removed, (ii) assessing residue removal impacts on soil and plant health, (iii) identifying cultural practices to improve soil health, and (iv) quantifying cultural practice impacts on GHG emissions.This introduction provides a short over view of the significant findings associated with each paper contribution. This special issue also builds on Qin et al. (2018), where the CENTURY model was used to assess the impact of harvesting corn (Zea mays) leaves and stalk (stover) on greenhouse gas emissions. The