N. 2008. Integrated weed management in white bean production. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 555Á561. A study was conducted over a 3-yr period (2004Á2006) in Ontario to evaluate various weed management programs in white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Herbicide treatments evaluated caused no visible injury in white bean. Trifluralin provided 12% (percentage points) greater control of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) than s-metolachlor. There was no benefit of tank-mixing s-metolachlor and trifluralin for yield and profitability compared with either trifluralin or s-metolachlor alone. The postemergence (POST) application of bentazon plus fomesafen following a soil-applied herbicide resulted in improved control of common lambsquarters by 15%. Two interrow cultivations following a soil-applied herbicide resulted in improved control of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), common lambsquarters, and green foxtail [Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv.]. The addition of imazethapyr (60% of label dose; 45 g a.i. ha(1 ) to the soil-applied herbicide resulted in improved control of redroot pigweed ('6%), common lambsquarters ('16%), and green foxtail ('6%). The profit margin tended to increase if more than just a grass preplant-incorporated (PPI) herbicide was used. The best profit margin was with a grass PPI herbicide alone plus cultivation. The profit margin also tended to increase with the use of cultivation rather than a broadleaf POST herbicide.Key words: Bentazon, cultivation, fomesafen, imazethapyr, navy bean, s-metolachlor, trifluralin, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Sikkema, P. H., Vyn, R. J., Shropshire, C. et Soltani, N. 2008. Lutte inte´gre´e contre les mauvaises herbes dans les cultures de haricot. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 555Á561. Pendant trois ans (2004Á2006), les auteurs ont e´value´divers programmes de lutte contre les mauvaises herbes dans les champs de haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) de l'Ontario. Les traitements examine´s n'entraıˆnent aucun dommage visible a`la culture. Le trifluralin maıˆtrise mieux (12 points de pourcentage) le che´nopode blanc (Chenopodium album L.) que le s-me´tolachlor. Me´langer du s-me´tolachlor a`du trifluralin en citerne n'ame´liore ni le rendement ni la rentabilite´comparativement a`l'usage de chaque herbicide seul. L'application de bentazon et de fomesafen apre`s la leve´e et conse´cutivement a`l'application d'un herbicide au sol rehausse la lutte contre le che´nopode blanc de 15 %. Deux sarclages entre les rangs apre`s application au sol d'un herbicide assurent un meilleur controˆle de l'amarante re´fle´chie (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), du che´nopode blanc et de la se´taire verte [Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv.]. L'addition d'imaze´thapyr (60 % de la dose indique´e sur l'e´tiquette; 45 g d'ingre´dients actifs par hectare) a`l'herbicide applique´au sol aboutit a`un meilleur controˆle de l'amarante re´fle´chie (' 6 %), du che´nopode blanc (' 16 %) et de la se´taire verte (' 6 %). La marge be´ne´ficiaire a tendance a`augmenter quand on incorpore plus d'un herbicide au sol avant la p...