“…The AFM tip is modeled as a point force, as it's radius of curvature ͑of the order of 10 nm͒ is much smaller than the radius of the hole R. This differs from studies on lipid bilayer membranes, where the hole diameter is of the same order as the radius of the tip. 16 The force applied at ͑r 0 , 0 ͒ is opposed by the bending rigidity D and the tension T, which we assume to be isotropic, 17 i.e., the flake is equally stretched in both horizontal directions. The equation for deflections that are small compared to the thickness h is 11,18 ͑Dٌ 4 − Tٌ 2 ͒u͑r, ;r 0 , 0 ͒ = F tip r ␦͑r − r 0 , − 0 ͒, ͑1͒ which is solved analytically for a flake that is clamped at the edge of a circular hole ͑i.e., u͑R͒ = 0 and du / dr͑R͒ =0͒.…”