Ruthenium(II) tris-(2,2‘-bipyridine) chelate exhibits strong
electrogenerated chemiluminescence during cathodic pulse
polarization of oxide-covered aluminum electrodes in
aqueous solutions. The present method is based on a
tunnel emission of hot electrons into an aqueous electrolyte solution. The method allows the detection of ruthenium(II) tris-(2,2‘-bipyridine) and its derivatives below
nanomolar concentration levels and yields linear log−log
calibration plots spanning several orders of magnitude of
concentration. This method allows simultaneous excitation of derivatives of ruthenium(II) tris-(2,2‘-bipyridine)
and Tb(III)-chelates. The former label compounds have
a luminescence lifetime of the order of microseconds,
while the latter compounds generally have a luminescence
lifetime of around 2 ms. Thus, the combined use of these
labels easily provides the basis for two-parameter bioaffinity assays by either using wavelength or time discrimination or their combination.