The interest of Russian and foreign investors in the coal industry is great enough. In the Russian coal industry, it is necessary to invest mainly those investments that relate to highly innovative technologies and promote the introduction of innovative projects in the field of geological exploration, coal mining and processing. First of all, it concerns coal engineering, certain areas in the areas of coal processing and processing, innovative activity of the organization, complex of security measures and organization of coal mining.It should be noted that with a common similarity in the direction of creative activity of domestic and foreign inventors vary considerably. Abroad, most of the patents apply to the construction of mining equipment with the simultaneous patenting of ways to use this design. In Russia, most of the patents protect the development methods intended for use in specific conditions of a certain deposit, as well as the methods of using certain equipment in different conditions.The analysis of innovative activity of organizations of Russia in comparison with the EU countries was carried out, which showed that the share of organizations that carry out innovations: technological, marketing and organizational is much lower than in Western Europe. Basically, the patents received in Russia relating to the coal industry are aimed at underground methods of coal mining. The creative activity of domestic inventors is mainly aimed at improving the ways of using existing equipment.Private companies (for coal mining and processing) without state involvement will not be able to modernize existing technologies and equipment in a short time. In this regard, the financing of innovative projects in the coal sector should be carried out within the framework of the public-private partnership for the implementation of large innovative projects of the coal business. Patents provide an opportunity to learn about current research and existing technology stocks of companies in various countries long before the advent of innovative products on the market and to avoid the risk of authors of development for obtaining a patent.