The amounts of the 19 elements As, Br, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, La, Mo, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, and Zn in 92 lyophilized autopsy human liver samples from normal subjects have been analyzed by instrumental neutron-activation analysis (INAA). For intercomparison and quality control ten samples were independently analyzed in two institutes, the Institute of High Energy Physics in China and the "Jozef Stefan" Institute in Slovenia. Most of the element contents determined by the two institutes were in quite good agreement, even though different experimental conditions were applied, indicating the reliability of the analytical results. Analysis of the chemical species of mercury present in the ten liver samples was also performed in Slovenia. Possible differences between the element content of male and female liver samples were studied by means of Student's t-test, but significant differences were found only for Ce, Co, Fe, La, Mo, and Zn. The results obtained were also compared with those reported from other areas of the world; no appreciable differences were observed. Correlation among the various elements in the human liver samples was studied using multivariate statistics. It was found that there was relatively close correlation between some elements, for example As-Fe, Ca-Fe, Cd-Co, Cd-Zn, Mo-Zn, Co-Se, Cs-Rb, Br-Rb, Sc-Sm, La-Sm, La-Ce, etc.; these correlations could be rationally explained by the similarity of the electronic structures of the elements and/or their physiological functions in the human body.