This study was directed to determine the effect of Makassar City Library Office innovation on increasing reading interest. This is done on the basis of the fact that according to the UNESCO report reading interest in Indonesia has a low level of presentation, it is not comparable to the innovation efforts that have been carried out by institutions that have responsibility for increasing public reading interest. When people's reading interest is low, it will have an impact on the low quality of national education. The research respondents consisted of 46 people. The data obtained from the results of the questionnaire were strengthened by secondary data. The research findings show that the influence of Library Office of the Makassar Cityinnovation on increasing public reading interest is only 4.9%, with a calculated F value of 3,448 which is greater than F table 3.21. The probability value is 0.041. The Library Office of the Makassar Cityneeds to increase innovation in the use of technology in order to increase people's reading interest.