This article presents a co-design methodology based on RecoMARTE, an extension to the well-known UML MARTE profile, which is used for the specification and automatic generation of Dynamic and Partially Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip (DRSoC). This endeavor is part of a larger framework in which Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques are extensively used for modeling and via model transformations, generating executable models, which are exploited by implementation tools to create reconfigurable systems. More specifically, the methodological aspects presented in this article are concerned with expediting the conception and implementation of the hardware platform and the integration of correct by construction reconfiguration controller. This article builds upon previous research by integrating previously separated endeavors to obtain a complete PR system generation chain, which aims at shielding the designer of many of the burdensome technological and tool-specific requirements. The methodology permits for the verification of the platform description at different stages in the development process (i.e., HDL for simulation, static FPGA implementation, controller simulation and verification). Furthermore, automation capabilities embedded in the flow enable the generation of the platform description and the integration of the reconfiguration controller executive seamlessly. In order to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach, we present a case study in which we target the creation of an image-processing application to be deployed onto an FPGA board. We present the required modeling strategies and we discuss how the generation chains are integrated with the back-end Xilinx tools (the most mature version of PR technology) to produce the necessary executable artifacts: VHDL for the platform description and a C description of the reconfiguration controller to be executed by an embedded processor.