A molecular-level model of Si02 dissolution in aqueous fluoride solutions is presented. The model recognizes the fact that the SiO,/water interface contains neutral hydroxylated surface groups (Si-OH) which can protonate to give positively charged sites (Si-OIlfl or deprotonate to give negatively charged sites (Si-0), depending on the pH. The adsorption of the fluoride ion, which is formulated as a surface ligand exchange reaction (Si-OH + HF = Si-F + EI,O), results in the polarization of the underlying Si-O bonds. The subsequent detachment of the surface Si-F complex constitutes the effective dissolution event. It is shown that the effects of aqueous phase variables (e.g., pH) on the dissolution rate are correlated with the effects of these same variables on the surface concentration of adsorbed fluoride. The model is compared with published experimental results, and it is demonstrated that a unified theory is obtained when the role of surface complexation is incorporated into the dissolution mechanism. The frequently reported observation of a decline in etching rate at elevated NH4F concentrations (and therefore high pH) is attributed to a competition between OW ions and F ions for adsorption sites.
InfrocluclionRemoval of silicon dioxide films via dissolution in aqueous fluoride solutions is a key processing step in practically all silicon-based microfabrication technologies. The premier and most established field of application is the manufacture of integrated circuits, where silicon dioxide etching is exploited in wafer cleaning and in pattern delineation.'' A more recent application is in the fabrication of precision quartz-and silicon-based micromechanical structures, where chemical etching provides a convenient method for removing undesirable surface layers, for preparing thin quartz blanks, and for surface micromachining of the desired microstructures.6" It is a remarkable fact that, inspite of the tremendous technological importance of silicon chips, and the numerous publications already available on various aspects of aqueous chemical processing, the physicochemical details of the SiO,-H,O-HF reaction are still waiting to be unravelled."4' Reaction mechanisms have been proposed, but few attempts have been made to use these to derive appropriate rate equations. On the other hand, rate equations have been offered, but the connection between the associated rate parameters and physicochemical events at the solid/water interface has typically been left unresolved. Recent developments are however forcing a change from this empirical approach to etching kinetics modeling. The advent of ultralarge scale integration (ULSI), with its attendant dramatic reductions in device features, has drastically decreased the tolerance of microelectronic devices for surface contamination and microroughness."9'4' As a result, the ability to engineer ultraclean silicon wafers and to attain atomic-level control of etch rates has become a major agenda item for those engaged in the advanced processing of semiconductor device In th...