<p>The aim of the work is to experimentally study the relationship between two main metacognitive processes: meta-thinking and meta-memory. Its relevance is due to the central role of these processes in the entire metacognitive organization of personality. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption of the existence of regular relationships and interactions between them. The following methods were used: the R. Dixon—D. Haltcha method for the diagnosis of meta-memory, the author's method for the diagnosis of meta-thinking, a specially developed battery of cognitive tasks and their metacognitive control. The sample included a total of 182 people (96 men and 86 women; aged 18 to 56 years; M = 32.22, SD = 3.42); students of Yaroslavl universities and IT specialists. It is established that there are multiple interrelations and interactions between these processes. They are manifested, firstly, in the presence of a correlation between them; secondly, in the existence of mutual influences of both these processes on each other; thirdly, in the asymmetry of their determinative influences, consisting in the fact that the influence of meta-thinking on meta-memory is expressed in a more explicit form than the reverse influence; fourth, that there is a “divergent” type of interaction between them, explicated by the method of factor experiment and testifying to their mutually reinforcing that is facilitating interaction.</p>