A new electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ES-MS) approach for quantifying proteinligand complexes that are prone to in-source (gas-phase) dissociation is described. The method, referred to here as the reference ligand ES-MS method, is based on the direct ES-MS assay and competitive ligand binding. A reference ligand (L ref ), which binds specifically to the protein (P), at the same binding site as the ligand (L) of interest, with known affinity and forms a stable protein-ligand complex in the gas phase, is added to the solution. The fraction of P bound to L ref , which is determined directly from the ES mass spectrum, is sensitive to the fraction of P bound to L in solution and enables the affinity of P for L to be determined. A mathematical framework for the implementation of the method in cases where P has one or two specific ligand binding sites is given. The assay is based on the direct detection and quantification of the abundance (Ab) of ligand-bound and unbound protein ions in the gas phase, e.g., PL nϩ and P nϩ , respectively. A key assumption is that the measured abundance ratio (R) is equivalent to the equilibrium concentration ratio of ligand-bound and free protein in solution, eq 1: The direct ES-MS assay has been used to measure affinities for a range of protein-ligand complexes, including antibody-antigen, lectin-carbohydrate, enzymesubstrate/inhibitor complexes and, in many instances, the K a values agree well with constants obtained by other analytical methods, including isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), surface plasmon resonance, and frontal affinity chromatography MS [4 -10]. However, there have also been reports of protein-ligand complexes that could not be detected by ES-MS or, if detected, the relative abundance of ligand-bound and unbound protein ions did not match the distribution expected in solution, with less binding observed in the gas phase [11][12][13][14]. These anomalous results are often due the occurrence of in-source dissociation, whereby the gaseous complexes undergo partial or complete dissociation during ES-MS analysis. If the gas-phase PL ions are kinetically labile and undergo dissociation during analysis, the magnitude of the measured R value and, correspondingly, the K a value will be artificially low. In the extreme case, where no PL ions survive, in-source dissociation will result in a false negative. Recently, it was shown that solution or gas-phase additives can, in some instances, protect complexes from in-source dissociation [12,15]. However, this approach does have its limitations and the detection of very labile gas-phase complexes, which rapidly dissociate at ambient temperature, by ES-MS remains problematic. Here, we describe an indirect ES-MS approach to quantify protein-ligand interactions that are highly Address reprint requests to Dr.