The objectives of this review were to analyze the ways of spreading rodents, what kind of danger and harm they pose, as well as what methods are used to combat them. The article provides brief information about the distribution of mouselike rodents and the influence of factors on the distribution and dynamics of populations. The issue of transmission and storage by rodents of an infection that poses a danger to humans and their pets is considered. The methods of combating mouse-like rodents are also analyzed and the most used active substances that are part of rodenticidal agents are identified. The number of rodents can vary significantly, so the seasonal dynamics in a period unfavorable for the life of the population is at low levels, and with the improvement of habitat conditions and food supply, the number of animals increases significantly. Analyzing the factors influencing the rodent population, it is possible to predict the number of animals and determine the optimal timing of deratization work. Currently, there are a significant number of rodenticidal drugs, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed in practice.