The UTCHEM lood simulator was used to develop a numerical model to simulate colloidal silica transport through sand columns. Most existing numerical models for colloidal silica modeling include the gelation process, in which the viscosity gradually becomes orders of magnitude greater than the initial grout viscosity. However, in ield grouting applications of shallow, loose, cohesionless deposits, injection at high viscosities may be limited due to allowable pressure limitations. In these cases, the injection is planned to be completed just before the gelling reaction begins. Thus, modeling the gelation process may not be necessary. The UTCHEM simulator accounts for luids with varying densities and viscosities, making it a useful tool for simulating colloidal silica injection in cases where gelation does not need to be modeled explicitly. The model was validated using laboratory data from ive column tests in which loose sand was treated with colloidal silica grout and one column test in which sand was treated with sodium silicate. The numerical model accurately represented the physical experiments. The numerical model provides a validated tool that can be used to design and optimize stabilizer delivery for laboratory and ield applications in which gelation does not need to be modeled explicitly.Abbreviations: CS, colloidal silica.We have developed a numerical model for simulating colloidal silica transport through sand columns using the existing reservoir simulator UTCHEM. Colloidal silica (CS) has recently been investigated for use as a grouting material to mitigate liquefaction risk at developed sites. It has been shown to reduce liquefaction risk in laboratory, centrifuge, and ield applications (e.g., Gallagher and Mitchell, 2002;Gallagher et al., 2007;Gallagher and Lin, 2009;Conlee et al., 2012). Although CS is more expensive than the more traditional sodium silicate grout, it has numerous advantages that may make it cost efective for use at developed sites. Colloidal silica nanoparticles are inert and nontoxic and can penetrate ine sands without iltration, dilute solutions (e.g., 10% w/w) have initial viscosities similar to water, and gel times can be controlled with NaCl. Barriers constructed from CS are expected to have lifetimes in excess of 25 yr (Whang, 1995); when kept saturated, they are expected to be permanent. he performance of CS in laboratory, centrifuge, and ield testing applications has been discussed extensively in the studies cited above; the purpose of this study was to design and validate a numerical model to design and optimize stabilizer delivery for laboratory and ield applications. In this research, a numerical model was developed using UTCHEM and validated using experimental results from Lin (2006), Lin (2009), andHonma (1984).Numerous researchers have developed new or modiied existing codes to simulate various aspects of the low and transport of variable-viscosity, variable-density gelling luids in the saturated (e.g.