of some of the contacts. This has not as yet been investigated further.In summary, evaporated metallic contacts (Mg, In, Au, Pd, Pt) have been made to conducting strontium titanate single crystals and measurements of the electrical properties of the contacts were carried out with the following results:(1) The electrical properties of the contacts are different for the different contact metals.(2) The low-work-function metals (Mg and In) form low-resistance contacts.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS(3) The high-work-function metals (Au, Pd, and Pt) form blocking contacts.(4) None of the blocking contacts can be characterized by a single value of !1cP, i.e., each blocking contact behaves as if it consists of patches of different !1cP.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSIt is a pleasure to thank S. S. Perlman and R. S.Silver for helpful suggestions and assistance concerning reduction and etching of SrTi0 3 • We also wish to thank J. Breece for assistance in carrying out some of the measurements.The efficiency, negative resistance, and conditions for space-charge control relevant to operation of a bulk semiconductor diode in the limited space-charge accumulation (LSA) mode of oscillation are discussed. Numerical results for n-GaAs indicate a maximum dc to rf-conversion efficiency of 18.5% for sine-wave excitation. The usable range of doping to frequency for n-GaAs is found to be 2X1Q4 to 2x1Q6 sec/cm 3 with an optimum value of about 6 X 1Q4 sec/cm s . Although a reduction in efficiency at frequencies above 100 GHz is expected due to the finite response time of GaAs, worthwhile efficiency may be obtained at several hundred GHz.