Palavras-chave: Ensino e aprendizagem, ensino fundamental, água, urbanização, construção do conhecimento, museus de ciências.
ABSTRACT:Education is focused on formation of students with integrated knowledge, which are participatory and critical of contemporary society. In order to stimulate this formation and the construction of the knowledge, the current study was developed with bases in action-research, allowing the reconstruction of educational methodologies throughout the process. The elaborate didactic sequence has activities proposals for implementation in the formal space and non-formal education, stimulating the elaboration of knowledges about the studied theme.In order to make the process easier, I realized that some places, like USP´s CienTec Park, could help in the construction and understanding of the conceptions and scientific concepts.The proposed activities stimulates participation, creativity and integration of knowledge of students with the discussed theme. Besides, allows students understanding natural phenomena in their real context. To analyse how was the knowledge constructions process, I used as methodology the action research, in which at the same time I'm a teacher and a researcher, I got follow the process of construction of knowledge and new ideas. During this process I had the chance to criticize my own practices and think about new methodologies and actions to get my goals. During the research I described how the knowledge process construction, realized by the students, occurred, as well as the principal changes. To qualify all these changes that occurred during the didactic sequence, I analyzed the textual productions, drawings and dialogues produced by the students before, during and after the visit to USP's CienTec Park, focusing this construction on the theme water and urbanization. The moments were compared by checking the types of associations that these students built during the visit to non-formal education.