DOI: 10.1002/2015ja021980
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Midlatitude ionospheric responses to the 2013 SSW under high solar activity

Abstract: Ionospheric responses to sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) are not well understood, particularly in the midlatitudes and under high solar conditions. During the 2013 SSW, ionospheric disturbances were observed in eight locations on the meridional chain from 30.5°N to 42.8°N in northern China. The midlatitude ionosphere responded strongly to the SSW despite being under high solar flux. The F2 layer maximum electric density increased by more than 80%, and the peak height was elevated more than 60 km. Well‐set a… Show more

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Cited by 39 publications
(36 citation statements)
References 38 publications
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“…The earlier workers also reported the presence of quasi 16 day wave during the SSW events at the low‐latitude ionosphere of the Indian zone, which are linked with the changes in the equatorial electric fields (Laskar et al, ; Patra et al, ; Sripathi & Bhattacharyya, ). The presence of quasi 16 day wave during the SSW event of 2013 was also observed over midlatitude ionosphere (Chen et al, ). de Jesus, Batista, Fagundes, et al (), during the minor SSW event of 2012, observed a weakening of the quasi 16 day wave in the daily averaged TEC in the Brazilian and African sector with an amplification of the ~2–6 day period in the Brazilian sector.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 81%
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“…The earlier workers also reported the presence of quasi 16 day wave during the SSW events at the low‐latitude ionosphere of the Indian zone, which are linked with the changes in the equatorial electric fields (Laskar et al, ; Patra et al, ; Sripathi & Bhattacharyya, ). The presence of quasi 16 day wave during the SSW event of 2013 was also observed over midlatitude ionosphere (Chen et al, ). de Jesus, Batista, Fagundes, et al (), during the minor SSW event of 2012, observed a weakening of the quasi 16 day wave in the daily averaged TEC in the Brazilian and African sector with an amplification of the ~2–6 day period in the Brazilian sector.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 81%
“…By analyzing the three major SSWs, including the event of 2009, Paes et al () have demonstrated the presence of semidiurnal perturbations in TEC over the Brazilian sector. The presence of strong semidiurnal perturbation had also been observed over the midlatitude ionosphere during the SSW event of 2013 (Chen et al, ). However, the present results highlight the presence of strong semidiurnal perturbations in the zonal wind, EEJ, and TEC after the SSW peak, which amplifies during the onset of new and full moon periods.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 85%
“…Chen G et al (2016a) described ionospheric disturbances in eight locations on the meridional chain from 30.5°N to 42.8°N in northern China during the 2013 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event. The midlatitude ionosphere responded strongly to the SSW despite being under high solar flux.…”
Section: Ionospheric Dynamicsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Bessarab et al () showed the daytime decrease in f o F 2 values over Yakutsk and Irkutsk during the 2009 SSW event. Analyzing the data from the northern China ionosonde meridional chain during the 2013 SSW, Chen et al () discovered, on the contrary, an increase in the f o F 2 by more than 80%, mostly within 8–12 LT, and the 60‐km peak height elevation, as well as the amplification of diurnal, semidiurnal, and terdiurnal tides in f o F 2 . Xiong et al () also reported the enhancement of the semidiurnal lunar tide in TEC and mesospheric wind over Beijing during the 2009 SSW.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%