SUMMARY1. Myoelectric recordings of the opossum gastrointestinal tract were performed during continuous infusion of 16,16-dimethyl prostaglandin E2 at 0-1, 1, 2 and 5 ,ug/kg. h.2. Continuous administration of prostaglandin caused a dose-dependent reduction of the duration of the migrating myoelectric complex cycle and an increase in the velocity of phase III migration from the duodenum to the terminal ileum. The reduction of the migrating myoelectric complex cycle was due to a shortening of the duration of both phase I and II.3. Bolus administration of 16,16-dimethyl prostaglandin E2 caused intense spike activity for 2-4 min in all recording sites simultaneously.4. Administration of indomethacin did not change the myoelectric activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Infusion of prostaglandin E2 caused diarrhoea in eight of forty experiments.5. These changes in gastrointestinal motility may be important contributory factors in the pathogenesis of prostaglandin-induced diarrhoea.