ABSTRACT. Bryophyte and vascular plant fossils occur at many late Tertiary sites in Alaska and northern Canada. A number of these floras are reviewed here. The oldest flora, possibly of late Early Miocene age, is probably the one from the Mary Sachs gravel at Duck Hawk Bluffs, Banks Island. The youngest are of early Quaternary age.The floras are of several types. The youngest (Cape Deceit Formation) contains only plants that grow in the Arctic and Subarctic today. The Meighen Island Beaufort Formation contains a few extinct taxa (Amcites globosa) and fossil plants, such as Sambucus, Comptonia, and Physocarpus, that are not found in the present subarctic and arctic regions of North America. Some of these floras also contain fossils of a five-needle pine that may represent the Japanese Stone pine (Pinus pumila). A third group of floras, from Cone Bluff and Lava Camp, Alaska, usually contains more extinct plants (Epiprernnum cmssum, Decodon and cf. Paliurus) as well as fossils of pines in the subsection Cembme. The Mary Sachs gravel flora, with taxa such as Metasequoia, Glyptostrobus, 'Ihxodium, Juglans, and Liriodendron, stands apart from all three of the above-mentioned floral types.