The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Taraxacum officinale extract (TOE) on gentamicin-induced reproductive damage in male rats. Totally, 24 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups: Group I (n=6); referred as control, physiological saline was intraperitoneally (IP) administered. Group II (n=6); referred as gentamicin (G), 80 mg/kg gentamicin sulphate (GS) was injected IP. Group III (n=6); referred as G + TOE150, 80 mg/kg GS and 150 mg/kg TOE was given IP. Group IV (n=6); referred as G+TOE200 (n=6), 80 mg/kg GS and 200 mg/kg TOE was administered IP. The treatment continued for consecutive 8 days. The cauda epididymal semen samples and testes tissues were collected. Routine semen examinations were performed and oxidative stress levels of testicular tissues were assayed. Reproductive organ weights [total testes weight (TTW) and total cauda epididymal weights (TCEW)] were recorded. GS administration significantly decreased sperm motility (P<0.01), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity (P<0.001) and glutathione (GSH) level (P<0.05), and it significantly increased tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) level (P<0.01) in comparison with the control group. However, a statistical increase in sperm motility of GT150 (P<0.01) group and in GPx activities of both GT150 and GT200 (P<0.01) groups as well as a statistical decrease in MDA levels of GT150 and GT200 (P<0.001) groups were determined when compared with the G group. In conclusion, short-term administration of GS causes lipid peroxidative damages in testes as well as decreases in sperm motility. However, TOE has a moderate ameliorative effect on sperm motility reductions, but marked improvement effect on lipid peroxidative testicular damages induced by GS.
Keywords: Taraxacum officinale, Gentamicin, Reproduction, Rat, Oxidative stress
Erkek Ratlarda Gentamisinin İndüklediği Üreme Hasarına Karşı Karahindiba (Taraxatum officinale) Ekstresinin Koruyucu Etkisi
ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı, gentamisinin erkek ratlarda oluşturduğu reprodüktif hasar üzerine karahindiba ekstresinin (Taraxacum officinale extract, TOE) etkilerini araştırmaktı. Toplam 24 adet erkek Sprague Dawley rat dört gruba bölündü: Grup I (n= 6) kontrol grubu olarak adlandırıldı ve hayvanlara intraperitonal yolla fizyolojik tuzlu su uygulandı. Grup II (n=6) gentamisin (G) olarak adlandırıldı ve hayvanlara 80 mg/kg gentamisin sülfat (GS) intraperitonal (IP) yolla enjekte edildi. Grup III (n=6) G + TOE150 olarak adlandırıldı, 80 mg/kg GS ve 150 mg/kg TOE hayvanlara IP yolla enjekte edildi. Grup IV G+TOE200 (n=6) olarak adlandırıldı ve 80 mg/kg GS ile 200 mg/kg TOE hayvanlara IP yolla enjekte edildi. Tedavi ardışık 8 gün boyunca uygulandı. Kauda epididimal sperm örnekleri ve testis dokuları toplandı. Rutin sperma muayeneleri yapıldı ve testis dokularının oksidatif stres düzeyleri ölçüldü. Reprodüktif organ ağırlıkları [toplam testis ağırlığı (TTW) ve toplam kauda epididimis ağırlıkları (TCEW)] kaydedildi. GS uygulaması önemli ölçüde sperm motilitesini (P<0.01), glutatyon peroksidaz (GP...