JU@ /-72&')(j 0s7/ 'AbstractA z-pinch radiation source has been developed that generates 6W20 lc.1of x-rays with a peak power of 13*4 TW through a 4-mm diameter axial aperture on the Z facility. The source has heated ND? (National Ignition Facility)-scale (6-mm diameter by 7-mm high) hohlraums to 122&6 eV and reduced-scale (4-mm diameter by 4-mm high) hohlraurns to 155*8 eV --providing environments suitable for indirect-drive ICF (Inertial Confinement Fusion) studies.Eulerian-RMHC (radiation-hydrodynamics code) simulations that take into account the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the r-z plane provide integrated calculations of the implosion, x-ray generation, and hohlraurn heating, as well as estimates of wall motion and plasma fill within the hohlraums. Lagrangian-RMHC simulations su'ggestthat the addition of a 6 mg/cm3 C~fill in the reduced-scale hohlraum decreases hohlmum inner-wall velocity by -40% with only a 3-5 % decrease in peak temperature, in agreement with measurements.