“…The eNAM is simple in operation and learnt without difficulty (Auramo et al, 2005), (Engotoit et al, 2016), (Michels et al, 2019) 3 Social Influence Close friends, leading farmers, associated traders, and community leaders encourage or promote the eNAM (Ajzen, 1991), (Venkatesh et al, 2003(Venkatesh et al, , 2012, (Dejen & Solomon, 2015), (Engotoit et al, 2016), (Dwivedi et al, 2019) 4 Trust The user's confidence in the information and trade based on e-trading. It also signifies a belief that the eNAM is reliable and that the management will act in the interest of farmers and other stakeholders (Moorman et al, 1992), (Killpatrick & Factor, 2000), (Ridings et al, 2002), (Kuttainen, 2005), (Casalo et al, 2011), (Ramesh et al, 2012), (Bisen & Kumar, 2018), (Jayashanker et al, 2018), (Wiyada et al, 2018) 5 Cost The transaction costs in the eNAM platform (Dodd et al, 1991), (Garicano & Kaplan, 2001), (Clasen & Mueller, 2006), (Solaymani et al, 2012), (Seifbarghy & Esfandiari, 2013), (Dey, 2016), (Nabhani, 2016), (Mustaqquim, 2017), (Wiyada et al, 2018) 6 Facilitating Conditions…”