Purpose: to work out and substantiate technologies of motor and intellectual aspects' integral impact on process of training of light athletic' throws and run techniques of 15-16 years old girls. Material: in the research 2 groups of pupils participated: control group (n = 22) and experimental group (n = 21). Results: Methodic of run, jumps and throws techniques' training of senior school girl-pupils has been worked out. The methodic implies mastering of basic light athletic movements on the base of analogies with rational and economic movements in animate nature and laws of mechanic It conditions application of knowledge from physics, biology, mathematic for receiving of more complete understanding of light athletic movements' correct technique. Conclusions: we have shown that application of interdisciplinary connections permits to make the process of movements' training more effective in comparison with mastering material of purely physical education.Introduction 1 At present, in education there is a problem of absence of interconnection between studying of different disciplines: different school curriculum subjects are delivered without interconnection between them. As a result pupil receives systemless, fragmented knowledge, which turn out to be useless in practice and are quickly forgotten after leaving school [16; 22; 24]. The most separated is physical education. Physical education is a "counter-weight" to theoretical disciplines in school curriculum, not envisaging cognitive functioning [1; 15; 18; 19; 25; 26]. However, application of cognitive and associative spheres in any kind of functioning, including physical education, facilitates creation of holistic understanding of action. It improves effectiveness of motor skills' mastering and effectiveness of mastering of knowledge in other subjects [2; 6; 7; 13; 14].In this connection it is necessary to work out approaches to physical education teaching, which would imply creation of holistic idea about movement, deep understanding of rational movements technique's physical principles [20; 27; 29; 32; 33]. Approaches of such orientation are rather effective; however, they practically have not been worked out for physical education and are not used in it by the present time [28; 30; 31]. That is why the problem of methodic' working out for schoolchildren's motor actions' training is urgent and important. It is conditioned by the following: integral combination of knowledge from different fields; creation of holistic idea about movement; enriching of theoretical knowledge with practical realization in the field of motor actions.Analysis of problems in schoolchildren's physical education is present in many works that also witnesses about importance of this problem. The circle of the regarded problems is rather wide. In work by R. Podstavka et al. (2014) [25] physical education of rural schoolchildren are regarded. The authors note that only insignificant percentage of pupils participated in out-of-school sport trainings and other physical exercises, while rela...