. Whole cell stochastic model reproduces the irregularities found in the membrane potential of bursting neurons. J Neurophysiol 94: 1169 -1179, 2005. First published March 30, 2005 doi:10.1152/jn.00070.2005. Irregular intrinsic behavior of neurons seems ubiquitous in the nervous system. Even in circuits specialized to provide periodic and reliable patterns to control the repetitive activity of muscles, such as the pyloric central pattern generator (CPG) of the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion (STG), many bursting motor neurons present irregular activity when deprived from synaptic inputs. Moreover, many authors attribute to these irregularities the role of providing flexibility and adaptation capabilities to oscillatory neural networks such as CPGs. These irregular behaviors, related to nonlinear and chaotic properties of the cells, pose serious challenges to developing deterministic Hodgkin-Huxley-type (HHtype) conductance models. Only a few deterministic HH-type models based on experimental conductance values were able to show such nonlinear properties, but most of these models are based on slow oscillatory dynamics of the cytosolic calcium concentration that were never found experimentally in STG neurons. Based on an up-to-date single-compartment deterministic HH-type model of a STG neuron, we developed a stochastic HH-type model based on the microscopic Markovian states that an ion channel can achieve. We used tools from nonlinear analysis to show that the stochastic model is able to express the same kind of irregularities, sensitivity to initial conditions, and low dimensional dynamics found in the neurons isolated from the STG. Without including any nonrealistic dynamics in our whole cell stochastic model, we show that the nontrivial dynamics of the membrane potential naturally emerge from the interplay between the microscopic probabilistic character of the ion channels and the nonlinear interactions among these elements. Moreover, the experimental irregular behavior is reproduced by the stochastic model for the same parameters for which the membrane potential of the original deterministic model exhibits periodic oscillations.