The problem of asymmetry is one of the fundamental in modern biology, theoretical and clinical medicine, it has deep evolutionary roots. Analysis of literature suggests that the coverage of various aspects of morpho-functional asymmetry of the kidneys to this time is not always unambiguous, and sometimes controversial. The purpose of the work is to establish manifestations of asymmetry of entering into regression models of sonographic sizes of kidneys anthropometric and somatotypological parameters of a body in practically healthy women and men of different somatotypes. Within the framework of the agreement on scientific cooperation from the database of the research center of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya taken the primary sonographic parameters, anthropometric and somatotypological indicators of 121 practically healthy women and 97 practically healthy men of the first mature age (correspondingly, of the age from 21 to 35 and from 22 to 35 years old) who in the third generation live on the territory of Podillia region of Ukraine. For the construction of regression models of individual sonographic sizes of the kidneys, depending on the peculiarities of anthropo-somatotypological parameters of the body, the license package “Statistica 6.1” was used. To analyze the asymmetry of entering into regression models of sonographic sizes of anthropo-somatotypological indicators, all constructed reliable models, but not only models with a determination coefficient of greater than 0.6, were taken into account. Also, in the analysis, anthropometric and somatotypological indicators refer either to highly genetically determined (longitudinal body sizes, cephalometric indexes, width of distal epiphyses of long tubular limb bones, trunk diameters, pelvic sizes, ectomorphic component of somatotype, bone component of body weight) or to low genetically determined (mass, body surface area, body dimensions thickness of skin fat folds, endomorphic and mesomorphic components of the somatotype, muscle and fat components of the body mass). In men of various somatotypes, when analyzing the asymmetry of entering the models of sonographic sizes of the anthropometric and somatotypological indicators of kidneys, it has been established: in the mesomorphic somatotype representatives - 84.1% (among which 50.0% belong to highly genetically determined indices), in the representatives of the ecto-mesomorphic somatotype - 86.0% (among which 46.5% belong to highly genetically determined indicators), in the representatives of the endo-mesomorphic somatotype - 88.1% (among which 51.4% belong to a highly genetically determined indices). In women of various somatotypes, when analyzing the asymmetry of entering the models of sonographic sizes of the anthropometric and somatotypological indicators of kidneys, it was established:), in the representatives of the mesomorphic somatotype - 82.0% (among which 51.2% belong to highly genetically determined indices), in the representatives of the ectomorphic somatotype – 89.0% (among which 58.0% belong to highly genetically determined indicators), in the representatives of the endo-mesomorphic somatotype - 83.3% (among which 50.0% belong to highly genetically determined indicators), in the representatives of middle intermediate somatotype - 82.5% (among which 56.5% belong to highly genetically determined indicators).