Background: Improvement of working conditions at enterprises of various sectors of economy can be achieved by solving comprehensive organizational, social, legal and other tasks. The purpose of the research was to study working conditions and occupational morbidity of workers of various industries in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2000–2019. Materials and methods: We analyzed working conditions of the population employed at the enterprises of the republic and occupational disease rates. Results: Most occupational risk factors were attributed to imperfection of technological processes, equipment and design flaws of machines, mechanisms, equipment, devices and tools. More than a third of cases of occupational disorders were diseases of the musculoskeletal system while every fifth case was that of a respiratory disease; radiculopathy and vibration disease prevailed among nosological forms. Men exposed to general vibration were most at risk of developing occupational diseases, including those induced by other occupational risk factors. At enterprises of mining, construction, and manufacturing industry, working conditions usually failed to meet sanitary and hygienic requirements for physical work heaviness, noise and chemical exposures, in agriculture – for physical work heaviness, and in transport and communications – for work heaviness and intensity. Conclusion: We observed a steady increase in the proportion of employees exposed to occupational risk factors and/or hazards and a simultaneous decrease in registered occupational disease incidence rates.