The optic tectum (called superior colliculus in mammals) is critical for eye-head gaze shifts as we navigate in the terrain and need to adapt our movements to the visual scene. The neuronal mechanisms underlying the tectal contribution to stimulus selection and gaze reorientation remains, however, unclear at the microcircuit level. To analyze this complex-yet phylogenetically conservedsensorimotor system, we developed a novel in vitro preparation in the lamprey that maintains the eye and midbrain intact and allows for whole-cell recordings from prelabeled tectal gaze-controlling cells in the deep layer, while visual stimuli are delivered. We found that receptive field activation of these cells provide monosynaptic retinal excitation followed by local GABAergic inhibition (feedforward). The entire remaining retina, on the other hand, elicits only inhibition (surround inhibition). If two stimuli are delivered simultaneously, one inside and one outside the receptive field, the former excitatory response is suppressed. When local inhibition is pharmacologically blocked, the suppression induced by competing stimuli is canceled. We suggest that this rivalry between visual areas across the tectal map is triggered through long-range inhibitory tectal connections. Selection commands conveyed via gazecontrolling neurons in the optic tectum are, thus, formed through synaptic integration of local retinotopic excitation and global tectal inhibition. We anticipate that this mechanism not only exists in lamprey but is also conserved throughout vertebrate evolution.optic tectum | superior colliculus | GABAergic inhibition | gaze control | evolution V isual scenes are composed of abundant stimuli, and the gaze needs continuously to be redirected toward different objectsan important task for the brain. Current models postulate that stimulus selection occurs through a process involving competitive interaction between different visual stimuli, resulting in the appropriate eye-head movement (1-5). The optic tectum (superior colliculus in mammals) has a causal role in the stimulus selection process (6-12) and not only in the control of saccades and eyehead gaze shifts (13-16). Although the collicular contribution to the selection process is of central importance, the underlying neuronal processes have remained elusive due to methodological limitations. It is our aim here to address this issue in a novel experimental model.The optic tectum is well developed in the lamprey, belonging to the oldest extant vertebrate group that evolved 560 million years ago (17), and it has remained conserved throughout vertebrate phylogeny (18)(19)(20)(21)(22). Afferents from retina provide a direct input to the superficial layers of the optic tectum, where a retinotopic map is formed (23-26). The intermediate and deep layers give rise to projections to brainstem areas and a motor map is formed that is responsible for the coordination of eye, head, and body movements (22,(27)(28)(29).To uncover the mechanisms underlying visual stimulus selection for gaz...