“…However, seismic inversions provide evidence that frictional resistance of major faults at co-seismic slip speeds ($1-5 m/s) may be quite low (Heaton, 1990;. Moreover, very little data exist for the simultaneously high slip rates and large slip displacements characteristic of co-seismic slip, and the data that do exist suggest that the frictional behavior at these slip speeds is dramatically different and the dynamic slip weakening occurs (Sibson, 1973;Tsutsumi and Shimamoto, 1997;Goldsby and Tullis, 2002;Di Toro et al, 2004;Mizoguchi et al, 2006;O'Hara et al, 2006). Rudnicki and Rice (2006), Segall and Rice (2006), Rempel and Rice (2006) and have recently summarized two primary thermal weakening mechanisms which are assumed to act in combination during fault events: (1) Flash heating and consequent weakening at highly stressed asperity contacts during rapid slip which reduces the friction coefficient, a phenomenon studied for many years as the key of understanding the slip rate dependence of dry friction in metals at high slip rates (Bowden and Thomas, 1954;Archard, 1958;Barber, 1976;Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf, 1985;Ashby et al, 1991;Irfan and Prakash, 1994), and which has also been considered recently in seismology as a mechanism that could be active in controlling fault friction during seismic slip before macroscopic melting (see also Andrews, 2002;Hirose and Shimamoto, 2005a;Wibberley and Shimamoto, 2005), and (2) Thermal pressurization of pore fluid within the fault core by frictional heating, which assumes the presence of water within shallow crustal fault zones, such that the effective normal stresss n (s n ¼ s n À p, where s n is the compressive normal stress on the fault, and p is the pore fluid pressure) controls frictional strength, and which reduces the effective normal stress and hence reduces the slip resistance associated with any given friction coefficient (Sibson, 1973;Lachenbruch, 1980;Smith, 1985, 1987;Lee and Delaney, 1987;Andrews, 2002;Wibberley, 2002;Noda and Shimamoto, 2005;Sulem et al, 2005).…”