O fungo C. gloeosporioides foi inoculado, através de ferimento, logo após a imersão dos frutos. As avaliações foram realizadas diariamente através de medição do diâmetro das colônias e das lesões, tomando-se duas medições em sentidos diametralmente opostos. Pode-se observar que no experimento in vitro todos os óleos, com exceção dos óleos de babaçu, semente de uva e a mêndoa , tivera m excelentes resulta dos inibindo o crescimento do fungo. No resultado obtido em pós-colheita foi observado que apenas o óleo de babaçu não foi eficiente em reduzir o desenvolvimento da lesão de antracnose. Dados relevantes foram observados pa ra os óleos de semente de u va e a mêndoa , qu e nã o apresentaram efeito direto sobre o fungo in vitro, porém no tratamento pós-colheita apresentaram bons resultados, reduzindo a lesão causada por C. gloeosporioides, sugerindo assim que estes óleos possam ser utilizados como indu tores de resistência em frutos de pimenta com a ntracnose.Colle to tric hu m spp. ca uses the disease k nown a s a nthracnose. Alternative methods that are efficient and less aggressive have been widely tested. Among these, there is interest in the scientific community by the u se of essentia l oils extra cted from plants. The subject of the present study was to evaluate the effect of essential oils eucalyptus, copaiba, andiroba, babassu, coconut, neem, grape seed, a lmond, mint a nd pa u rosa in different concentra tions on the development of Co lletotrichum gloeosporioide s, "in vitro " a nd in fru its of pepper in post ha rvest. T he experiment in vitro wa s performed using five concentrations (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0%) of the ten oils mixed with BDA. The varia bles were the radial growth rate. The test was done post-harvest immersion of the fruits of pepper for 5 minutes, the same oils used in the previous experiment, using Sousa, R.M.S; Serra, I.M.R.S; Melo, T.A. Effect of essential oils as an alternative in the control of Colletotrichum gloesporioides in pepper. Summa Phytopathologica, v.38, n.1, p.42-47, 2012. the highest concentra tion. T he fu ngu s C. g lo e o sp o rio id e s wa s inoculated through wounds shortly after the immersion of the fruit. The evaluations were performed daily by measuring the diameter of the colonies and injuries, taking measurements at two diametrically opposite directions. It can be observed in experiment in vitro all oils, except for babaçu oil, grape seed and almond, excellent results were inhibiting the growth of fu ngus. T he results obtained in post-harvest was observed that only the babaçu oil was not effective in reducing lesion development of anthracnose. Relevant data were observed for oils of grape seed and almond, which had no direct effect on the fungus in vitro, but in post-harvest treatment showed good results, reducing the damage caused by C. gloeosporioides, suggesting that these oils can be used to indu ce resistance in pepper fruit with a nthracnose.Keywords: antifungal effect, induced resistance, anthracnose.
ABSTRACTO fungo Colletotrichum spp. causa a doe...