We earlier described three lines of sexreversed XY female mice deleted for sequences believed close to the testes-determining gene (Sry) The mouse mutation sex reversed (Sxr) arose through a duplication of the Y chromosome short arm (Yp), including the sex-determining gene Sry and transposition to the pseudoautosomal region at the end of the Y long arm (1-3). In addition to Sry, Sxr contains all of the Y chromosome genes necessary for spermatogenesis up to the round spermatid stage (4) and all other known Yp genes including Zfyl, Zfy2, Ubelyl, and Smcy (5). Pseudoautosomal crossing-over in carrier (X/ YSxr) males transfers Sxr to the X chromosome, causing sex reversal of the X/XSxr progeny (6).Normally Sxr is transmitted only through X/YSxr males, as X/XSxr males are sterile. However, a nonrandom X-inactivation pattern can be brought about in X/XSxr animals using the T16H translocation [T(X;16)16H]. In some X(T16H)/XSxr individuals the Sxr region is inactivated with the result that female development occurs (7,8
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